Nathan’s May 2023 Newsletter

“Life’s greatest difficulties always happen right before life’s greatest breakthroughs.” Billy Cox.

Breakthroughs are happening left and right. First, my family and I are getting settled in a new home which is very exciting. Next, the GCI has turned a new page from second to third gear. The plan of execution is coming together; applications are coming in, partnerships are being formed, and the building is making significant progress. I’ve been spending a lot of time with construction lately, and our cadence of getting things done keeps improving.  

The team is making strides in all areas; fundraising is gaining momentum, and tourism programming is being worked on. After an infusion of energy after Israel’s 75th with Jewish National Fund USA, our team is making moves in every area.  The website is getting upgraded, and our podcast continues to exceed results. More questions are coming in about our Flagship program and group tours, and we are getting so many inquiries about how to get involved and how to set up a visit with GCI.

While I’m not the most public guy, I enjoy sharing updates on the site and getting some photos with close friends and partners (some photos below). 

While things are picking up, we will need help to do this in the best way possible. We have been and will continue to work with JNF USA in all areas but will need help from our community. Whether it is polling about what type of tourism events you like or providing your thoughts on our taglines, this doesn’t happen without a great community and strong relationships. So, keep an eye out for areas you can help with, and as always, if you know someone that wants to get involved or help provide scholarship funds to the program, email us here

Finally, I had a great time during Israel’s 75th anniversary with the JNF. The programming was extraordinarily impactful, and nothing beats celebrating a shared love, the love of Israel, together. This is important, being able to come together no matter the differences in lifestyle or beliefs, for the State of Israel to continue to flourish. I wouldn’t say I like politics and the way it divides people. But, the more we find commonalities amongst one another, the stronger we are together. I’m incredibly hopeful for our future and look forward to celebrating with everyone at the GCI in ONE YEAR. Time will fly, and I’m excited about the journey ahead.  

Have a great weekend and Shabbat Shalom! 






Interview with Chintan Pandya